to the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends
Bruno Gröning (1906-1959) had an extensive knowledge of the elementary laws that influence the course of our lives. Everyone can benefit from this, also nowadays.
Get to know the effect of your thoughts on your life.
Feel a new, regenerating power in your body.
Hear about the positive experiences of others whose lives have taken a turn for the better.
Bruno Gröning
Back then and now
Sensational healings in Herford
Spring 1949: Suddenly, the press reports sensational healings from Herford in Westphalia, Germany. Allegedly, people who have been suffering from the most serious kinds of incurable illnesses are experiencing healing- and that within a short period of time. Paralysis disappears, blind people can see again, stomach ulcers and skin diseases heal, anxieties and mental stress dissolve. It looks like there’s no physical or mental illness that cannot be cured.
Absorb divine power, “the Heilstrom”
He speaks of the effect of a divine power, which he calls the Heilstrom (can be translated as “Healing Stream” in English), available to people everywhere free of charge at any time, day or night.
It`s only necessary to know how to absorb this power, which brings about healing.
Even as Bruno Gröning speaks, people in the crowd are shouting out, announcing that they feel changes taking place in their bodies. Soon the first exclamations of relief can be heard about healings that have already occurred. Much of this was later recorded in writing. Eyewitnesses, reporters and attending doctors confirmed the effect of the Heilstrom. Unbelievable?
Yes, for most people in the Western civilization, such an event was as unbelievable then as it is today.
But the large number of healings and witness reports speak for themselves. In the late summer of 1949, a similar event was repeated in Rosenheim, Bavaria on an even larger scale: up to 30,000 people came together daily and again incredible healings took place.
Healing on a spiritual path
Bruno Gröning, born in 1906 in what was then still the German city of Danzig, realized as a child that he was able to impart healing to people and animals in a spiritual way. In most cases, healing proceeded without physical contact, or even without him bring physical present.
Bruno Gröning even makes the following important statement:
“All people must die, including me. My body will be laid in the ground, but I will not be dead. I will be there for whoever calls me and I will continue to help. But then everyone will experience help and healing from within themselves.”
The resistance of public authorities and physicians
Even before the extraordinary events in Herford and Rosenheim, Bruno Gröning has to deal with resistance:
The authorities fear a disturbance of the public order and physicians grow envious, which leads to a prohibition of his activities. He is put on trial.
During the 1950’s, Bruno Gröning makes an effort to pursue his activities in smaller circles. He founds communities, groups of people, which meet regularly to share his teaching.
Everyone can experience help and healing – even today!
Bruno Gröning died in Paris in January 1959. That is the end of it all, or so many people think. His opponents are relieved, from now on his friends only meet in small circles in his remembrance. However, in 1979 an Austrian woman Grete Häusler, who had known Bruno Gröning for almost 9 years, experiences something impressive:
A woman who worked for her as a household helper and who is blind in one eye can suddenly see again after Grete Häusler tells her about Bruno Gröning and the events surrounding him.
Bruno Grönings words prove to be true: After his death, everyone will be able to experience help and healing from within themselves.
“It cannot be stopped. The whole world shall experience healing.” Bruno Gröning
For Grete Häusler, this experience is reason enough to make Bruno Gröning’s message known to the public. Whilst in the beginning interest grew slowly, today the number of people in the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends who meet up to engage with his advice for living and to absorb the divine power together, the Heilstrom, has grown to around 75,000 people in over 130 countries around the world.
And these people experience the same as back then: physical and psychological healing occurs, seemingly hopeless personal problems are resolved, people of all ages find their way back to a happy and fulfilled life.
Young people in the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends
Teenagers and young adults also benefit from the meetings which occur every three weeks (called community hours), as well as various conferences and youth weeks, which often include activities in nature and much more: Here they find out how to absorb the Heilstrom on a daily basis, whilst at the same time learning a lot about the often underestimated role that thoughts play in forming our lives. Many report having more energy to tackle and master their lives thanks to the intake of the Heilstrom.
“The path from heaven to earth is in the making.” Bruno Gröning
Information lecture
Would you like to get your own impression of the Circle of Friends? Then visit one of our free information lectures! You can find dates near you on the map!
Only events specifically for young people are listed here. Further information lectures can be found on the website of the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends.
There are also many active youth communities that are not listed here. Please get in touch via the contact form below if you are interested.
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Bruno Gröning circle of friends
Haidauer Straße 6
DE-93107 Thalmassing
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